Sunday, November 2, 2014

Milk and Calcium - Too Much Not Good for You

Drink milk because it contains calcium was the mantra.  Now more evidence is accumulating that the message should perhaps be the opposite: avoid milk because it contains calcium.

A recent Swedish cohort study published in the British Medical Journal showed people who drink three glasses of milk daily have a significantly higher chance of dying from all causes than those who drink just one glass of milk a day.

The theory that drinking milk leads to strong bones also suffers yet another setback. There was no evidence drinking more milk reduced the rate of hip fractures. Indeed the apparent paradox that the nations that consume the most calcium have the highest fracture rates remains. Other non-milk dairy products like cheese and yogurt, however, do seem to provide some of the advertised benefits.

This negative finding for milk is consistent with previous findings questioning the value of calcium supplementation that also found correlation between increased calcium supplementation and increased mortality.

Magnesium and Calcium?

It is unmentioned anywhere but could it be that the antagonistic properties of magnesium towards calcium and vice versa is part of what makes magnesium beneficial?  This is one of those relationships that are unaddressed but should be.


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